About Us

Our Vision

Creating a healthier Montana for everyone.

Our Mission

Uniting Montana’s behavioral health community. 


We can have the greatest impact by working as a collaborative Alliance using a unified voice.

We are determined to ensure health equity with adequate resources to support quality services for all Montana citizens.

We believe that our integrity requires transparency and stewardship of resources.

We use new and proven methods to effectively innovate.

We are quality-driven with an over-arching goal of ensuring the dignity and well-being of the people we serve.

We recognize that diversity and inclusiveness are integral to our BHAM’s network and the people our members serve.

The Alliance Provides

Advocacy – lead and coordinate public policy direction related to behavioral health services

Communication – provide timely information so that members will be informed of changes in policy, policy direction, and new opportunities for business as well as be a repository for clinical, business, and other best practices

Coordination – coordinate with other stakeholders in healthcare on advocacy and service delivery (primary care, criminal justice, law enforcement, child welfare, prevention)

Networking Opportunities – provide opportunities for alliance members to connect with each other and other stakeholders, share valuable tools and practices, and build a voice for mental health and addiction services We believe that our integrity requires transparency and stewardship of resources.

We believe that our integrity requires transparency and stewardship of resources. To this end, we provide our IRS 990 forms as required by law: