Now that the election is behind us, the stage has been set for the upcoming 2020-21 legislative session. In many ways, the upcoming session could be compared to a perfect storm for the behavioral health community: Our communities are already on their heels after the budget cuts in 2017-18; A pandemic continues to rage through our population, and one political party will have all the sway with regard to how our efforts get funded. It could be a bumpy ride for a while for everyone who works so hard to care for Montana’s underserved and vulnerable.
To call attention to the importance of the behavioral health needs of all Montanans, we have created the Already Gave Campaign, which we hope will catch the attention of lawmakers enough to make them listen, and then engage in conversation about the how we can all work together to help our neighbors in need, and fund the work that is necessary. Components of this campaign will be available to BHAM members for posting and sharing on their channels and outlets. If you are interested in receiving collateral from this campaign to use, links to download are available below. If you have specific requests for ways to adopt this campaign, please reach out to us directly at
Examples from the campaign can be seen here:
To download assets from this campaign for use by your organization, use these links:
8.5 x 11 Flyers in PDF format (Flyer 1, Flyer 2, Flyer 3)
8.5 x 11 Flyers in JPG format ( Flyer 1, Flyer 2, Flyer 3)
Facebook post images (Image 1, Image 2, Image 3)
Instagram post images (Image 2, Image 2, Image 3)
Twitter post images (Image 1, Image 2, Image 3)