Well, well, well … it’s October in Montana. In my personal opinion, it’s the second best month of the year, right behind May. You see, in May the weather turns sunny and crisp and fresh and we can all wear shorts with sweatshirts, (aka: the perfect outfit). And in May, we are climbing into summer and out of winter. But October, while utterly beautiful, still means that the roller coaster has crested, and is beginning it’s high speed approach into winter. Sigh.
We missed posting our regular newsletter last month, and only recently have finished responding to all the mail we’ve received from our loyal readers, strewn across the globe. Kidding aside, we are happy to be back on the train now and are looking ahead to a busy season of working on behalf of all our members and Montana’s communities.
And now onto the news …..
Congratulations to Western Montana Mental Health Center and Eastern Montana Community Mental Health Center for receiving new CCBHC planning Grants!:
CCBHCs are facilities specifically designed to provide a community with an all-inclusive range of substance use and mental health disorder services, especially for individuals who have the most complex need. Through a generous grant provided by the Murdock Charitable Trust, the Behavioral Health Alliance of Montana has taken the lead on vetting the CCBHC model with providers and state stakeholders.
SAMSHA has been providing short-term planning and implementation grants to agencies throughout the US to help them prepare for their states to implement CCBHCs.
You can view the grant awards here: https://www.samhsa.gov/grants/awards/2022/SM-22-002?combine=&page=3
Advocacy Suggestions:
- You can learn more about the CCBHC model here: https://www.thenationalcouncil.org/program/ccbhc-success-center/ccbhc-overview/
- Educate your legislators on how CCBHCs can help enhance community-based behavioral health services in your communities.
NAMI Montana 2022 Conference on Mental Illness is Coming Up on October 20th and 21st!
We’re delighted to have a set of amazing speakers for this year’s Montana Conference on Mental Illness. The Conference sessions will be available in person at the Red Lion in Kalispell and online.
Continuing education credits will be available for licensees of the Montana Board of Behavioral Health.
The speaker list covers a wide range from youth mental health interventions to care of adults with mental illness in Montana communities. Where are we at? Where are we going?
Speakers will include BHAM members.
Advocacy Suggestions:
- You can register here for the conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-montana-conference-on-mental-illness-tickets-420792310127
BHAM and Friends of the Children Present a Children’s Legislative Forum, November 30 from 1 – 4 p.m. in Helena.
On November 30 from 1-4, BHAM and the Friends of the Children will host a Children’s Legislative Forum that will be open for members of the public, children’s advocates and providers, freshman, and veteran legislators.
This will be a wonderful opportunity to learn more about Friends of the Children and its important professional mentoring mission in Montana, as well as the considerable mental health issues facing Montana’s children. There will be a panel of providers, legislators and DPHHS representatives and a panel on how to advocate effectively during the 2023 Legislative Session.
Please join us for this important and informative morning about Montana’s kids. This event is free and open to the public.
Provider Rate Study:
The rate study was requested by DPHHS and funded by the 2021 Legislature. The results from the DPPHS/Legislative study were presented to the Children’s and Families Health and Human Services Interim Committee on August 26th.
Advocacy Suggestions:
- Advocate to your representatives and senators across the state for putting the recommended rate increases into the governor’s budget.
- Advocate for both Republican and Democratic Representatives and Senators to support the rate increases as this was a legislatively funded study proposed by DPHHS under the Republican administration.
Please reach out to me if there is anything you need. When we work together, we can solve all the problems out there!
Stay safe. Stay healthy.